As a transformational coach I am privileged to have a positive and profound impact on people’s lives. 

Here are a few of their kind words and experiences.

Yolanda - Travel Guide

“I decided to work with Nick as I was going through a transitional stage in my career. With Covid 19 impacting my future career prospects it was a moment to stop and think. I had so many questions, such as what happened next, what could I achieve and where was I going? I was lost and confused as to where to begin. Nick skillfully helped me to identify my key goals and priorities and then helped me to break it down even further, mapping out the stepping stones that were both realistic and the most effective in reaching my goals. Through one to one coaching with Nick I have gained clarity and direction as to where I am going and feel energised for my future career. It has been great to work with Nick, he is open and engaging and asks thought provoking questions, helping you to come to answers in your own time and to feel empowered to own your future.”

Tess - Teacher

“Nick is a fantastic life coach. He listens patiently and attentively, with an open mind, and reflects back what he hears with caring, kindness and empathy. He takes care to ask the questions that prompt the right kind of searching and he is super supportive in helping to formulate answers in the role of non-judgemental guide-at-the-side. I really enjoyed our sessions and the space that was created, allowing for some very useful exploration of ‘what’ and ‘where’ next. Thank you, Nick, for being a perceptive listener.” 

Tess - Teacher
Samuel - IT Trainer and Educator

“I followed the 30-day challenge and attended a session on well being, and I can say on both occasions Nick has helped me define a list of goals and identify obstacles, achieving my goals in a shorter time than I anticipated. It was eye-opening to learn that acknowledging limitations and noticing limiting patterns were an important part of the thinking process, to help the brain get the right information. Nick uses his personal experience and insights to help you become your better self.”

Lawrence - Technology Consultant

“I worked with Alba Coaching for support identifying priorities and career decisions. Nick’s approach made me comfortable from the start. His careful listening and targeted questions helped me to decipher my thinking behind my career priorities. Developing the answers to challenges in this way has given me confidence in the next steps that I need to take. Thank you, Nick!”

Lawrence - Technology Consultant

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